Change Column Name Based on a Date Selected in Drop-Down Filter

Do you know if it is possible to change a column name or add the date to an existing column name based on the date filter selected. Example: If the column name is Actual Monthly and I select a reporting period filter of 09-30-2024, is there a way to have the date populate in the column name on the fly?


Best Answer

  • DashboardDude
    Answer ✓


    While not a column name change, you can use the +SmartText to change the title of cards to be kind of dynamic. So if you're open to that, it's an option.

    John Le

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  • There isn't a native solution for this as you are explaining it.

    However, using any filter card, the filter label would update and be descriptive of the reporting period filter. There are other work arounds within Beastmodes or Magic ETL, but again, I don't think it's exactly what you are after unfortunately.

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  • @Data_Devon

    Thank you, I appreciate your feedback!

  • DashboardDude
    Answer ✓


    While not a column name change, you can use the +SmartText to change the title of cards to be kind of dynamic. So if you're open to that, it's an option.

    John Le

    Are you on my newsletter? If not, signup here so you don't miss out on my Domo tricks, alerts about my webinars, cooking tips and more

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  • @DashboardDude

    Thank you for your feedback, we have added SmartText to the card.