Dynamic Date in card tittle

Jez Member
edited November 2024 in Cards, Dashboards, Stories

The objective is to add max date of "open date" column in the card tittle.

For example: Open date max date is 11/22/2024

My card tittle will be: "Opened Account as of 11/22/2024"

I am thinking to use beastmode and create a calculated field with "max(open date)" but when I'm using smart text function in the tittle to add this calculated field it won't work.

Any suggestion please? Thank you!

Best Answers

  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    Unfortunately, the smart text doesn't allow for that in the card title. I have utilized the summary number to display this information. You can create a beast mode that utilizes the CONCAT function and your MAX date to do it. Something like this:

    CONCAT('Open date max date is', MAX(opendate))

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  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    Try this:

    CONCAT('<span style="font-size:10px;">Data as of ', MAX(Transaction Date),'</span>')

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  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    Unfortunately, the smart text doesn't allow for that in the card title. I have utilized the summary number to display this information. You can create a beast mode that utilizes the CONCAT function and your MAX date to do it. Something like this:

    CONCAT('Open date max date is', MAX(opendate))

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  • Hello coach @MarkSnodgrass this works, Thank you!

  • Hello Coach @MarkSnodgrass additional question, is there a way to change the font size of summary number? it is looking too big. I tried to check in the formatting options but no luck. Thanks!

  • You can add HTML/CSS in the beast mode and add color and control the sizing. A simple example would look like this:

    CONCAT('<span style="color:red;font-size:10px;">Vehicles</span><br />', SUM(Vehicles))

    One thing to note, you won't see the changes while you are editing in Analyzer. You will need to Save and Close in order to see the changes.

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  • Hello Coach @MarkSnodgrass

    I found this interesting: https://domo-support.domo.com/s/article/360043430093?language=en_US

    This is my calculation in beastmode:

    I can't figure out how to create a calculation in beastmode to change the "font size" with my existing calculation above. I am getting syntax error. Please help 😅 Thank you!

  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    Try this:

    CONCAT('<span style="font-size:10px;">Data as of ', MAX(Transaction Date),'</span>')

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  • Hello coach @MarkSnodgrass this works, Thank you!