Google Sheets connector is available again

Tasleema Domo Product Manager

The Google Sheets connector, which can be found at https://<your_domo_instance_name>, is now available. The connector was taken out of commission earlier this year because of an issue with the Google app used to facilitate OAuth authentication. The issues with the app have been resolved, and the connector can now leverage OAuth authentication again.

One thing to note is that customers will now need to provide the URL to the spreadsheet they are trying to import, as opposed to using a file picker to select the file. Simply your spreadsheet in another window, and copy the entire URL in the connector settings.

If you experience any issues with datasets that were created before the Google Sheets connector became unavailable, please contact Domo Support.


  • HowDoIDomo
    HowDoIDomo Contributor

    When setting up the newly updated Google Sheets Connector for the first time, do I need to select all the access options? Just to be sure, it won't overwrite or change the google sheets documents?

  • Tasleema
    Tasleema Domo Product Manager

    @HowDoIDomo - yes, you should select all the options. The connector is read only, so it won't write anything back or change anything in the Google Sheets workbook.

  • HowDoIDomo
    HowDoIDomo Contributor

    Thank you!