Has anyone been able to pull historic data by day from the Meta connector?

We have a new data client that needs historic data pulled in and the connector doesn't have the data at an individual date granularity only by ad type.



  • Sounds like you might try creating a Magic ETL with beast mode formulas to distribute the data across the desired time period. To join your aggregated data by ad type with a calendar table based on the date range that matches your aggregated period. If the ad type data is aggregated for a month, distribute the value across the 30 or 31 days in that month.

    Daily Ad Spend = Total Ad Spend / Number of Days in Period

    If you need to give more weight to some days versus others, you could create a formula. For something like more weight on weekends:

    WHEN DAYOFWEEK(`Date`) IN (7, 1) THEN `AdSpend` * 1.5
    ELSE `AdSpend`

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