Safe to run Workbench on multiple machines?

JunkDoom Member
edited September 26 in Workbench

I use Domo Workbench on-prem to upload data from 2 SQL Servers nightly via ODBC connections. I need to move one of the SQL Servers from on-prem to an AWS EC2 instance. Rather than pulling this data from AWS to my on-prem environment just to then upload to Domo, can I install Workbench on the AWS EC2 instance and move the Workbench jobs for the SQL Server that will be moving over to that and leave my on-prem Workbench in place for the on-prem data?

Any "gotchas" to look out for? Can the workbench instances run independently with their own jobs, or will they try to synchronize into one?


Best Answer


  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    You can have multiple workbench installations, but having them run the same job would be problematic. I would recommend reviewing this KB article about migrating Workbench to help better understand what to watch out for.

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  • Thanks for the link!

    I would disable each job to be moved to AWS, then create that job on the AWS EC2 instance. In the end, all jobs uploading from EC2 would be on the EC2 Workbench instance, and all jobs uploading from my on-prem SQL Server would run from my on-prem Workbench. There wouldn't be duplication as these are different data sets.

  • As long as you create new workbench instances and aren't "migrating" worbench servers it'll create different jobs. The one thing to look out for is if you're updating the same dataset on different workbench accounts, that's when you'll get some confusion but if all the jobs and datasets are separate then you'll have no issue running multiple instances of workbench.

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