Beast Mode

Beast Mode

How can I get rid of extra characters in attributes

Hi all,

I have a field that lists carriers in an odd fashion such as below:




I'd like to get rid of the unnecessary characters at the beginning and the end so it looks like this:



Is there a Beastmode function or calculation that can help me do that? Would like to avoid Magic ETL if possible but open to doing that if necessary.


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    If it is always between the first and second underscore, you can do this:


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  • Contributor

    Try something like this, replacing the field with your actual field name:

    1. SUBSTRING(SUBSTRING(`FIeld`, INSTR(`FIeld`, '_')+1), 1, INSTR(SUBSTRING(`FIeld`, INSTR(`FIeld`, '_')+1), '_')-1)
  • Answer ✓

    If it is always between the first and second underscore, you can do this:


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  • Here's a REGEXP version:

    1. REGEXP_REPLACE(`field`, '^\d+-([^_]+).*$', '$1')

    But as @MarkSnodgrass mentioned if your format is consistent where values are after the first underscore with a following underscore then SPLIT_PART is an easier option.

    The REGEX version will handle cases where there's no following underscore

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  • Thank you @Sean_Tully @MarkSnodgrass @GrantSmith !

    Your answers are very insightful and helpful. I will definitely add them to my toolkit. I ended up using Mark's SPLIT_PART function as that was easiest and fit my criteria.


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