Highlight pie chart slice by filtered selection

Hi All,

I have a Supplier Performance dashboard where users will filter by first selecting one of several Suppliers. Most cards on the page would then filter to show only data for the selected supplier.

I want to have a pie chart that doesn't get filtered as such, rather it would 'highlight' the selected Supplier as below. I know I can exclude it from being filtered, but Ideally I would want it to either be highlighted in some way, or grouped so the pie displays only 'Selected Supplier' and 'All others'.

Any help appreciated.

Best Answers

  • Manasi_Panov
    Manasi_Panov Contributor
    Answer ✓

    Hello @calebtyrone ,

    Instead of applying a filter, you can create a variable that displays the necessary supplier information on all cards. I believe there may be a workaround to highlight only the section from the selected supplier, but further investigation is required. I quickly put this together—it may not meet your exact needs, but it's a starting point. In this Pie chart if the variable selected is Aftermarket, then only the section from the Pie chart of Aftermarket will give a result. Maybe something could be done with an additional color scheme and Beast Mode.

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  • ArborRose
    ArborRose Coach
    Answer ✓

    Manasi mentions a possible beast mode calculation. You can create a calculated field that will categorize suppliers into selected supplier and all others.

    WHEN Supplier = Selected_Supplier THEN 'Selected Supplier'
    ELSE 'All others'

    Or us WHEN Supplier in (A, B, C, etc).

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  • Manasi_Panov
    Manasi_Panov Contributor
    Answer ✓

    Hello @calebtyrone ,

    Instead of applying a filter, you can create a variable that displays the necessary supplier information on all cards. I believe there may be a workaround to highlight only the section from the selected supplier, but further investigation is required. I quickly put this together—it may not meet your exact needs, but it's a starting point. In this Pie chart if the variable selected is Aftermarket, then only the section from the Pie chart of Aftermarket will give a result. Maybe something could be done with an additional color scheme and Beast Mode.

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  • ArborRose
    ArborRose Coach
    Answer ✓

    Manasi mentions a possible beast mode calculation. You can create a calculated field that will categorize suppliers into selected supplier and all others.

    WHEN Supplier = Selected_Supplier THEN 'Selected Supplier'
    ELSE 'All others'

    Or us WHEN Supplier in (A, B, C, etc).

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  • calebtyrone
    calebtyrone Member
    edited July 2024

    Hi Manasi and ArborRose,

    I have used both your suggestions and they work for what I was trying to accomplish. Thank you! Some simple colour rules finished it off nicely.

    The only negative is that I have to manually add each supplier as value in my variable. It's not a big deal but if new suppliers are added I'll have to remember to add them.

  • You could probably use an ETL to join the list and make it dynamic.

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