Refresh an excel file that has data and a pivot table

I have an excel file that is connected to a dataset on one table and on another table I have a pivot table from that data. What I would like to know is how do I use DOMO to schedule that file to refresh the data and refresh the pivot table and then send it as an attachment to a user.

Is that possible?

Best Answer

  • MichelleH
    MichelleH Coach
    Answer ✓

    @Brewha51 Gotcha. In that case, not having access to the instance eliminates most out-of-the-box solutions if accessing the raw data is a requirement. You may be able to script something locally that refreshes and fetches the data using the Domo API, then sends the file as an attachment. I'll admit that is not my area of expertise, so I'll throw this one out to anyone else in the community who knows more about that.


  • Data_Devon
    Data_Devon Contributor

    Hi Brewha51! Within your dataflow "Settings" tab, you can set the time that the Dataflow will update. You could just have it update every night so its always fresh.

    Then, you could set an alert that triggers when the dataflow updates, and that alert could send the update to everyone.

    Am I on the right track here?

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  • @Brewha51 Have you considered using a Pivot Table card in Domo instead of an Excel file? You can use an alert/scheduled report as @Data_Devon suggested to send an email with the card details.

  • Brewha51
    Brewha51 Member
    edited June 2024

    Thanks @Data_Devon and @MichelleH a perfect example is for me to point DOMO to an excel file that has a tab of raw data that gets refreshed and on another tab in the same excel file, there's a pivot table from that data. DOMO would pull that excel file in every month, refresh it and email the entire excel file on a schedule. I'm not sure if that's doable, but that's the desired outcome. Hope that helps explain my thinking!

  • @Brewha51 Do the people you want to email this to have access to your Domo instance? If they are, they could follow the scheduled report email link to the Pivot Table card, where they can drill down to the underlying data. Is there a reason it has to be in Excel?

  • Great point! They do not have access to our DOMO instance

  • MichelleH
    MichelleH Coach
    Answer ✓

    @Brewha51 Gotcha. In that case, not having access to the instance eliminates most out-of-the-box solutions if accessing the raw data is a requirement. You may be able to script something locally that refreshes and fetches the data using the Domo API, then sends the file as an attachment. I'll admit that is not my area of expertise, so I'll throw this one out to anyone else in the community who knows more about that.

  • Thanks @MichelleH!!