Siemens WinCC MQTT connection

rado98 Contributor

Does anyone have any experience (and hopefully success) connecting Siemens WinCC 7.5 to DOMO via MQTT. I have not been able to get this to work.

I can get it to the point where I get a successful connection on WinCC. As a test I have changed different parameters and the connection fails (so the connection test does work)

On the DOMO side I either get a failed Data Preview everytime OR a bogus Data Updated Successfully everytime (with no data in the end) even if the settings on WinCC are incorrect (so I know this is bogus)

WinCC gives me the option to use either AWS, Generic, Azure or MindSphere as a Cloud provider. I have tested AWS and Generic with no luck.


  • Tyler Tolley
    Tyler Tolley Domo Employee

    Did you have any luck getting this to work? I would suggest regenerating your certs and see if that resolves the issue.