Deployed Excel sheet with add-in is getting an error

I've deployed an excel sheet with the Domo excel 365 add-in and the user trying to use it gets this error:

This document has no imported contents

It won't refresh the data. It works fine on my system.

Thanks for the help.


Best Answer

  • Cbrack
    Cbrack Member
    Answer ✓

    We have found the resolution was related to versions of the new plugin. Thanks all for the help.


  • @Cbrack Can you confirm that the other user also has the add-in installed and that they have access to the dataset in their Domo account?

  • Cbrack
    Cbrack Member

    thanks Michelle. Yes, they do have access and the add in is installed. I will say they may not have access to the compete path.

  • Cbrack
    Cbrack Member

    when I say the complete path it is on some pages that they don’t have the full path access. They do have access to the page and can open it up individually though, but if they try to traverse through the menu, they can’t.

  • Cbrack
    Cbrack Member
  • @Cbrack Can you send some screenshots of what you mean?

  • Cbrack
    Cbrack Member

    sure, i'll attach. But since then I have given access to the users to those "dashboards". I have a dashboard with 2 sub dashboards beneath and on the 3rd down is where the data resides. As a test, i have them access to all 3 dashboards….still the same issue.

  • Cbrack
    Cbrack Member

    Here's what i was saying about pages…i meant to say dashboards :)

  • Cbrack
    Cbrack Member

    Any suggestions? The Domo support team is scratching their heads too.

  • MattTheGuru
    MattTheGuru Contributor

    @Cbrack is the issue surfacing when a user tries to click on a link that is nested in the dashboard?

    If that is the case are you saying that it is requiring a Domo login to see the content or are the physical links not clickable?

    What happens in your specific use case?

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  • Cbrack
    Cbrack Member
    Answer ✓

    We have found the resolution was related to versions of the new plugin. Thanks all for the help.