Filtering inside a DDX Brick

ColinHaze Member


I am currently trying to filter on the date inside my DDX brick to only give me the current month data. The date Column I am using to filter is called Fiscal Months. How would I do that? Im assuming it has to do with the way im querying the dataset. I attached my JS below. One thing to Note is that date column is always going to be the first of a month. For example

Thanks a lot in advance!

Best Answers


  • ColemenWilson
    Answer ✓

    I don't know anything about Javascript but have you considered filtering the data through an ETL/Dataset View to current month data if that is all you need for the DDX brick?

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  • Sean_Tully
    Sean_Tully Contributor

    I think you can add 'filter=Fiscal Months = [current month]&' after the '?' in your query definition, but I don't know JS enough to know how to create that [current month] value.

    You can also do the filter via ETL/View before it hits the app like @ColemenWilson suggested, or I think you can just add the filter at the time you build a new card off of the app.

  • JosephMeyers
    JosephMeyers Domo Employee
    Answer ✓
  • @ColemenWilson I ending up doing it your way. Thank you