Adding a new dataset after creating a Custom App

NCRivera Member
edited May 2024 in Apps

Hi all,

I created a custom app in Domo and originally when it was created, it only had one dataset in the manifest.json file "Cars." I wanted to add another dataset to the app and so I modified the manifest file to include "users" - Screenshot 1. I confirmed the new dataset is reflected in the brick - Screenshot 2. In my javascript file (SS3), I went ahead and queried the data and logged the results in the console. I ended up with a Bad Request Error (SS4).

I'm not really sure what I'm doing wrong here. Any guidance would help!



SS3 / SS4


  • MattTheGuru
    MattTheGuru Contributor

    It looks like Domo doesn't know of the alias for "Users".

    The issue might just be with the uploaded manifest to Domo. You need to make sure that the manifest in the build file has been updated as well.

    I can also hop on a call with you and see if we can debug this if that doesn't work.

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  • NCRivera
    NCRivera Member
    edited May 2024

    Is there a way I can confirm the changes I did in the manifest file? I figured the update would get captured once I published to my instance but that doesn't seem like the case from the error.

  • MattTheGuru
    MattTheGuru Contributor
    edited May 2024

    There are some steps to uploading from your local environment that are a bit of a pain so I built some copy and paste scripts to make new deployments easier.

    Add the following 3 lines to your project's "package.json" file:

    "upload": "cd build && domo publish && cd ..",

    "preupload": "cp manifest.json build/ && cp thumbnail.png build/ && echo 'manifest.json and thumbnail.png copied to build folder'",

    "deploy": "npm run build && npm run preupload && npm run upload"

    If you add these 3 then you can just run npm run deploy and everything will be put in the right places and uploaded to Domo.

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  • @MattTheGuru - great points, but if he is using the default vanilla JS hello world template example rather than the React template, there isn't going to be a package.json file or a build step.

    @NCRivera - your dataset definition in the manifest looks right to me. If you run domo publish after saving that file, you should be able to see multiple dataset connections in the wiring screen. I'd check that first. If it doesn't seem to have added the additional alias, then you may want to doublecheck that you're id in the manifest file is right and that you're publishing to the right App Design.

    I'd also be happy to jump on a call and have a look if you're still stuck.

  • MattTheGuru
    MattTheGuru Contributor

    @NoahFinberg is correct^

    If you DM me and/or share a copy of the code I can try to load it on my sides and see what works and does not.

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  • Thanks, all! I will try to respond on my computer with the code as soon as I can!

  • Not sure where this landed but in case someone stumbles upon this post these are the steps I've found I have to take when adding a new dataset to the manifest:

    1. Publish the app to Domo
    2. Open the apps wiring screen in domo by editing the card it is on
    3. Make sure the new dataset is showing, and then hit the Save & Finish button.

    Once I go through that process I'm able to make calls to the new dataset in the development environment without any issues.