Getting Buzz message when a form submitted

Hi all,

I created a form in an app to get feedbacks from the users, in order to improve the app as they want.
As soon as any user fill and submit the form, the data will get autogenerated in a data provider

Now I want to get a Buzz message when a form has been submitted, so we are not missing any feedback. But I don't know what configuration I should use as the data provider in not in the list.

Would you set the alert on the dataset? If yes, What would be the rule?

And if you would go with the Workflow then how would you set it up?


Best Answer

  • DanHendriksen
    DanHendriksen Domo Employee
    edited April 23 Answer ✓

    Atieh, because today, you can't have an App Studio form submission start a workflow.

    Ideally, either the form submission could start a workflow OR the form submission dataset would support dataset alerts. Neither of those things are possible right now, unfortunately. The form submission starting a workflow should be available soon.

    A happy medium might be building a table card that visualizes the form submissions, and creating an alert based on a new value landing on that table card.


  • DanHendriksen
    DanHendriksen Domo Employee

    Is this a form in AppStudio?

  • Atieh
    Atieh Member
  • DanHendriksen
    DanHendriksen Domo Employee
    edited April 23

    The dataset created by the Form won't allow you to create a dataset alert on it to pass the values.

    A workflow can very easily post to a Buzz channel. If it were me, and I were in this position, I would use the "Workflow Form Start Brick" to have the form, and I'd have that go to a Workflow. Once it's in the workflow I'd write what I wanted to buzz and write all the values to a dataset (or AppDB) for logging.

  • Atieh
    Atieh Member

    @Zoolander Which will make it much complicated. right? Why should I use the Start Brick when I can create an easy form in the App?

  • DanHendriksen
    DanHendriksen Domo Employee
    edited April 23 Answer ✓

    Atieh, because today, you can't have an App Studio form submission start a workflow.

    Ideally, either the form submission could start a workflow OR the form submission dataset would support dataset alerts. Neither of those things are possible right now, unfortunately. The form submission starting a workflow should be available soon.

    A happy medium might be building a table card that visualizes the form submissions, and creating an alert based on a new value landing on that table card.

  • DanHendriksen
    DanHendriksen Domo Employee

    I'm just trying to share ways to achieve what you're after. My first suggestion would accomplish it.

  • Atieh
    Atieh Member

    @Zoolander Thanks so much! Yes, I think for now I n create a visualization card for the form submission and create an alert for it. That was a great idea