can last run date/time be added to workbench 5.2 dataset view?

When upgrading from Workbench 5.1 to 5.2 I lost the Last Run field in my list of datasets. I use this to quickly identify stale datasets that didn't have an error icon. Do I have the ability to add it back?


  • Have you tried added a calculated field under the transforms section and use a function such as TODAY() to have it add today's date when it runs?

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  • Hi Mark, Thanks. I can dig in DOMO to see what's stale. But I lost a much simpler method which was in Workbench 5.1. Can I add a field to the list of DataSet jobs in WB 5.2? I work with 14 WorkBench connections. I can quickly identify which connection has stale data, but it was beneficial to pull up the specific PC's workbench and sort by Last Run field, and trigger off the stale ones. I wasn't sure if I have the power to add this back. If not, I will request in DOMO ideas.