Error when trying to commit & promote


Hello, I just noticed that the last few times we tried to commit and promote our data, the commit completed but with errors. I am not sure how to resolve this because I cannot understand what the error message is pointing me to.

I have noticed this issue began on 3/22/24. We have 3 instances that we call Dev, Staging and Prod. We were not really using the staging one, we would make dashboards in dev, commit & promote to prod & then use the domo everywhere feature to embed the dashboards to a 3rd party website where they were hosted. On 3/22/24, we moved all dashboards to staging, changed the time zone that the dev instance was in & then moved the dashboards back & changed some columns from UTC to local. Ever since we made this change, the commits have completed with errors. Can someone help me resolve this?


Best Answer

  • gordon_Clearsquare
    Answer ✓

    Hey! Looks like there's some invalid beast modes on the cards that are referenced in the error message. You should be able to go to the card ID referenced and find a beast mode that's referencing "City", "ID" Etc.

    The root problem likely does not have to do with the time zone changes you've made.

    Happy to help troubleshoot further!

    -From Your Clearsquare Buds


  • gordon_Clearsquare
    Answer ✓

    Hey! Looks like there's some invalid beast modes on the cards that are referenced in the error message. You should be able to go to the card ID referenced and find a beast mode that's referencing "City", "ID" Etc.

    The root problem likely does not have to do with the time zone changes you've made.

    Happy to help troubleshoot further!

    -From Your Clearsquare Buds

  • deppalapalli

    hey @gordon_Clearsquare, thank you so much for your response. How can I know which beastmodes to check? the error message only points to the dataset, not to the specific card or BM.

  • gordon_Clearsquare

    Unfortunately, you do have to go through them and check them all. However, chances are it's one of the ones being used on the card that was mentioned so I'd start there.