How do I use the "is in" filter in Domo Campaigns Markup Language?

I have read this page on Domo campaigns and distribution lists: . I see that "is in" is a filter option to include multiple possible values in a filter, but I can't figure out the correct way to write the list of options without having an error in the campaign. I've tried several ways including the following:

<dataset id>.column is in OPTION1, OPTION2

<dataset id>.column is in (OPTION1, OPTION2)

<dataset id>.column is in OPTION1; OPTION2

<dataset id>.column is in [OPTION1, OPTION2]

Can someone please show an example of how this filter can be written?

Additionally, the page I linked says "You can also add paginated Mega Tables and Pivot Tables in the email body and PDF attachments. To learn more about Mega Tables, see Table Chart." Does this mean that you can create a table that wont be cut off by the height/width specified in the HTML of the email body? How can I have a table card that includes all content in the filter, even if it is longer than expected?

Thank you!!


Best Answer

  • ArborRose
    ArborRose Coach
    Answer ✓

    It shouldn't have a problem with spaces if they are in the correct place. Beware of leading or trailing spaces. Many languages are picky about case sensitivity. Make sure you match the correct spelling and case. And check data types of your filters.

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  • ArborRose
    ArborRose Coach
    edited March 2024

    Similar to other languages would be:

    student_courses.course_type is in (English, Science, Math)

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  • Is there a restriction on strings with a space? When I have a list like (Option1, Option 2, Option 3), it is only returning rows that match "Option1" with no space. Enclosing the strings in single or double quotes had the same result.

  • ArborRose
    ArborRose Coach
    Answer ✓

    It shouldn't have a problem with spaces if they are in the correct place. Beware of leading or trailing spaces. Many languages are picky about case sensitivity. Make sure you match the correct spelling and case. And check data types of your filters.

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