Chart Showing only Projects with Cost; how to show all projects?

Hi all,

I have a simple Table Card with only two filters, one for project number, and one for project phase. 97 projects meet this criteria. One piece of information I'm displaying in the Table Card is the planned project cost. At the moment, only 50 projects have a planned project cost. The chart is only showing these 50 projects, but I need it to show all 97. Is there a solution?


Best Answers

  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    I'm guessing that your project cost field contains nulls, which is likely eliminating those other projects. Try creating a beast mode that looks like this:


    Drag this field into your table card and see if that fixes it. Also, make sure project cost is not in your filters.

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  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    Yes, you can wrap IFNULL() around anything. If you are able to send a screenshot of what your card looks like in analyzer, that might help with the troubleshooting.

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  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    That sounds like you would need to contact the software dev if it is not even showing up in your initial dataset.

    Your only workaround would be to have another dataset that is either manually maintained or is another dataset that just lists all projects and then join them together in Magic ETL.

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  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓
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  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    Correct on the compatibility. Sounds like they need to alter the original dataset for you so you don't have to create an ETL, or not have it come in as a federated dataset.

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  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    I'm guessing that your project cost field contains nulls, which is likely eliminating those other projects. Try creating a beast mode that looks like this:


    Drag this field into your table card and see if that fixes it. Also, make sure project cost is not in your filters.

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  • I agree with nulls being the issue, but I would do it in the dataflow. 😉

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  • PJG
    PJG Member
    edited February 2024

    Thanks, Mark. I've used this elsewhere, but couldn't get it to work here. Thinking about it a bit more, I think it's because the PlannedCost is not just a plain attribute. It lives within a particular module of our software where the user first has to select between 1 & 9 FinancialCategoryName (Internal Resource, External Resource, Software, etc.), then they have to populate the cost for those categories. The PlannedCost is a total of all 1-9 categories that are used. It seems if there's no FinancialCategoryName set, I'm not getting the project to show, even if I use the IFNULL beast mode on the PlannedCost.

    So is there a way to use an IFNULL on the FinancialCategoryName? - (which I don't want displayed on the Card)

  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    Yes, you can wrap IFNULL() around anything. If you are able to send a screenshot of what your card looks like in analyzer, that might help with the troubleshooting.

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  • PJG
    PJG Member
    edited February 2024

    Update: I took another look at the dataset. It seems if a project has no Financial Category set, the project does not appear in the dataset at all. Not sure if there's a workaround, or if I just need to contact the software dev, as they manage my datasets

  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    That sounds like you would need to contact the software dev if it is not even showing up in your initial dataset.

    Your only workaround would be to have another dataset that is either manually maintained or is another dataset that just lists all projects and then join them together in Magic ETL.

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  • I've never used or learned about Magic ETL, but it sounds like it allows you to use attributes from two different datasets? That sounds like a solution

  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓
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  • Thanks - started watching & following, but ran into a problem already; one of the datasets I need is type = domo-federateddata, which seems to not be compatible with ETL. Another question for the dev? Maybe it can be converted to type = Microsoft SQL Server?

  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    Correct on the compatibility. Sounds like they need to alter the original dataset for you so you don't have to create an ETL, or not have it come in as a federated dataset.

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  • Okay, thanks for all your help. I have a meeting with them on Friday.

  • Happy to help! If you can mark any answers as accepted that helped you, that would help others in the community.

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