not able to initialize a variable in conditional gateway

pushkar_hedau Member
edited February 2024 in Workflows

when i am using conditional gateway in readymade template of ask your manager it is saying to initialize my variable 'doesmanagerapprove' which is a boolean data type. what to do , how to initialize

Best Answer

  • DanHendriksen
    DanHendriksen Domo Employee
    Answer ✓

    You're assigning the queue to people that you haven't given access to the queue, as it states in the error message. "Assignee does not have update content access to queue".

    You need to give the assign (Shubham and/or Ajeet in this case) update content permissions on the queue. You haven't shared the queue with them, so they can't see it and take action on the task.


  • It's the user task right before the conditional gateway. You need to tie that to a form, that provides the response as an output variable back to the workflow.

  • what is happening now ???

  • DanHendriksen
    DanHendriksen Domo Employee
    Answer ✓

    You're assigning the queue to people that you haven't given access to the queue, as it states in the error message. "Assignee does not have update content access to queue".

    You need to give the assign (Shubham and/or Ajeet in this case) update content permissions on the queue. You haven't shared the queue with them, so they can't see it and take action on the task.