Cards, Dashboards, Stories

Cards, Dashboards, Stories

Sort Not working as Desired

I need this Table to Sort by the Sub Total in the Total Column. But the CustName is being forced into the SORTING Option because I have selected SubTotal Rows. But I need SUBTotals selected because Each Customer has Phases. How can I Sort by SUBTotal Totals and NOT CustName?


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  • Answer ✓

    You can take the beast mode that Grant suggests and make it be the first column in your table, which will then allow it to be sorted first, but I don't think it is the look you are going for. I also found that the regular total column doesn't subtotal in the subtotal row.

    A workaround might be to make your top level card just contain the customer and the subtotal, then create a drill path that would show the detail that you have in your current card. Having your top level card just contain the customer and subtotal will allow you to sort by subtotal descending.

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  • Answer ✓

    Another option might be to use the pivot table card. It will allow you to sort by your total column and still have subtotals

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  • Have you tried using a window function and adding it to your sort at the top so it's sorted first?

    1. SUM(SUM(`Balance`)) OVER (PARTITION BY `CustName`)
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  • CustName is being FORCED into the 1st Sorting position because I have Show Sub Total Rows selected. I can not delete it nor move it.

  • Answer ✓

    You can take the beast mode that Grant suggests and make it be the first column in your table, which will then allow it to be sorted first, but I don't think it is the look you are going for. I also found that the regular total column doesn't subtotal in the subtotal row.

    A workaround might be to make your top level card just contain the customer and the subtotal, then create a drill path that would show the detail that you have in your current card. Having your top level card just contain the customer and subtotal will allow you to sort by subtotal descending.

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  • Answer ✓

    Another option might be to use the pivot table card. It will allow you to sort by your total column and still have subtotals

    **Check out my Domo Tips & Tricks Videos

    **Make sure to <3 any users posts that helped you.
    **Please mark as accepted the ones who solved your issue.
  • Thanks Mark I used your suggestion to build a Drill down table by Customer Sorted by Balance. This will work. Thank you.


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