Has anyone tried Domo embed with Monday.com Boards?


Thanks to those who've shared "how to's" with Domo Everywhere and other major applications.

I have a new question. Has anyone attempted to use Domo Everywhere (or embed) on Monday.com boards?

Best Answer

  • MattTheGuru
    MattTheGuru Contributor
    edited February 14 Answer ✓

    Hello depending on the content that you would like to embed I just recorded this video to explain one of the points of "embedding" content in other sites that aren't your own.

    Loom video: Publicly embedding content on external sites

    You'd likely need some sort of "server access" to secure your dashboards from being publicly viewable.

    Please 💡/💖/👍/😊 this post if you read it and found it helpful.
    Please accept the answer if it solved your problem.


  • ColemenWilson

    It looks like there is a 3rd party app in the Monday.com marketplace that will allow you to embed iframes:

    If I solved your problem, please select "yes" above

  • JFRdevo

    Thanks for the quick reply. However, we're hoping to avoid add on expenses to the already pricey platform. Seems users are asking for monday add-on apps constantly…

  • MattTheGuru
    MattTheGuru Contributor
    edited February 14 Answer ✓

    Hello depending on the content that you would like to embed I just recorded this video to explain one of the points of "embedding" content in other sites that aren't your own.

    Loom video: Publicly embedding content on external sites

    You'd likely need some sort of "server access" to secure your dashboards from being publicly viewable.

    Please 💡/💖/👍/😊 this post if you read it and found it helpful.
    Please accept the answer if it solved your problem.