How can I add an icon representing a file type for a URL into a table?

I have a data set which contains a column for URL's for file a user has upload and a second column that contains the type of file that has been uploaded. I have created a beast mode that displays a thumbnail of any uploads that are images. I now want to display an icon for items that are not images but cannot get the icons to display.

This is the beast mode that I have been using to display the thumbnails:

CONCAT('<a href="',`stepAnswerUploadUrl`,'" target="_blank">',
'<img src="',`stepAnswerUploadUrl`,'" height="20px" alt="Click for image"/>',

As a test I attempted to load a PDF icon for all non-image file types, using the following beast mode. The thumbnail worked for images but all other types were blank.

WHEN stepAnswerUploadType = 'IMAGE' THEN
CONCAT('<a href="',`stepAnswerUploadUrl`,'" target="_blank">',
'<img src="',`stepAnswerUploadUrl`,'" height="20px" alt="Click for image"/>',
CONCAT('<a href="',`stepAnswerUploadUrl`,'" target="_blank">',
'<i class="fas fa-file-pdf"></i>',

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated


Best Answer

  • DavidChurchman
    Answer βœ“

    I would probably still create a column that is either the link to the image or a link to an image that represents the file type, and then use that as the image source in the HTML Beastmode. (To me, it's harder to get HTML code right, so I want to keep that part of the code as simple as possible).

    But if you want to do it in your case statement, you just need a working img src, which is missing from that clause of your case statement:

    WHENΒ stepAnswerUploadTypeΒ = 'IMAGE' THEN
    CONCAT('<a href="',`stepAnswerUploadUrl`,'" target="_blank">',
    '<img src="',`stepAnswerUploadUrl`,'" height="20px" alt="Click for image"/>',
    WHENΒ stepAnswerUploadTypeΒ = 'PDF' THEN
    CONCAT('<a href="',`stepAnswerUploadUrl`,'" target="_blank">',

    '<img src= height="20px" alt="Click for file"/>',

    Please πŸ’‘/πŸ’–/πŸ‘/😊 this post if you read it and found it helpful.

    Please accept the answer if it solved your problem.


  • I used:

    WHEN stepAnswerUploadType = 'IMAGE' THEN
    CONCAT('<a href="',`stepAnswerUploadUrl`,'" target="_blank">',
    '<img src="',`stepAnswerUploadUrl`,'" height="20px" alt="Click for image"/>',
    WHEN stepAnswerUploadType = 'PDF' THEN
    CONCAT('<a href="',`stepAnswerUploadUrl`,'" target="_blank">',
    '<img src="',`stepAnswerUploadUrl`,'" height="20px" alt="Click for image"/>',

    And get the following:

    Will that work for you?

    If I solved your problem, please select "yes" above

  • Thanks for the quick response. Unfortunately that does not work for me. The value in stepAnswerUploadUrl is the url for the actual file that was uploaded not an icon. The image works because it opens a thumbnail of the actual image.

  • You're using `stepAnswerUploadUrl` to point towards the image icon and that's working? Why don't you add the url for your PDF icon to that same column so you don't need a CASE statement?

    Like all IMAGES, could have this url as their <img src>:

    And all PDFs could have this url as their <img src>:

    Please πŸ’‘/πŸ’–/πŸ‘/😊 this post if you read it and found it helpful.

    Please accept the answer if it solved your problem.

  • The stepAnswerUploadUrl contains the url of the actual item that was uploaded to the system not the url for the icon. Ideally, I would want to show a thumbnail of the uploaded file regardless of the file type, but am willing to settle for the icon of the file type if it is not an image.

    DaveTestImage contains this beast mode calculation:

    WHEN stepAnswerUploadType = 'IMAGE' THEN
    CONCAT('<a href="',`stepAnswerUploadUrl`,'" target="_blank">',
    '<img src="',`stepAnswerUploadUrl`,'" height="20px" alt="Click for image"/>',
    CONCAT('<a href="',`stepAnswerUploadUrl`,'" target="_blank">',
    '<i class="fas fa-file-pdf"></i>',

  • DavidChurchman
    Answer βœ“

    I would probably still create a column that is either the link to the image or a link to an image that represents the file type, and then use that as the image source in the HTML Beastmode. (To me, it's harder to get HTML code right, so I want to keep that part of the code as simple as possible).

    But if you want to do it in your case statement, you just need a working img src, which is missing from that clause of your case statement:

    WHENΒ stepAnswerUploadTypeΒ = 'IMAGE' THEN
    CONCAT('<a href="',`stepAnswerUploadUrl`,'" target="_blank">',
    '<img src="',`stepAnswerUploadUrl`,'" height="20px" alt="Click for image"/>',
    WHENΒ stepAnswerUploadTypeΒ = 'PDF' THEN
    CONCAT('<a href="',`stepAnswerUploadUrl`,'" target="_blank">',

    '<img src= height="20px" alt="Click for file"/>',

    Please πŸ’‘/πŸ’–/πŸ‘/😊 this post if you read it and found it helpful.

    Please accept the answer if it solved your problem.

  • Thanks that does work