Why is my beastmode to bring in Salesforce Profile Photos not working?

lb1234 Member
edited March 2023 in Charting

I'm using the html code referenced in this Domo Article:

Our salesforce rep profile photos are being brought in as a url starting with "https" into a user dataset. I'm just not understanding what is wrong with the beastmode that it's not bring up the photo when I place the beastmode as a column on a table:

CONCAT('<img height="20px" src=',Url for medium profile photo,'">','')


Best Answer

  • GrantSmith
    GrantSmith Coach
    Answer ✓

    Currently the table is the only one that will work. If you want you can get more control of the visualiation utilizing a Domo Brick which would support circular images.

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  • I think you may be missing a double quote after src=

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  • @GrantSmith AMAZING! Thank you. Do you know if there is a way to display the photos in a circle rather than a square? I tried this beastmode but it's not changing the shape:

    CONCAT('<img style="border-radius:50%" height="20px" src="',Photo,'">','')

  • and is the table chart the only chart in which this beast mode will work?

  • GrantSmith
    GrantSmith Coach
    Answer ✓

    Currently the table is the only one that will work. If you want you can get more control of the visualiation utilizing a Domo Brick which would support circular images.

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  • NateBI
    NateBI Contributor

    Hi Folks,

    Having the same problem using this code:
    CONCAT(' <img src="','[SHAREPOINT_LINK','" style="width:128px;height:128px">

    </>') END

    Is this because I'm using Sharepoint to host the image? If so where is a better place to host images for Domo?

    All support is appreciated,
    Kind regards