Conditional Formatting Based On User


Hi, everyone. I'm fairly new to charting in Domo.

We are trying to format a report differently based on the logged-in user. We are not trying to filter the results, but simply highlight the user in the context of the report.

To oversimplify things, given the following dataset:

…if I wish to display this in a Table card and highlight the row for me when I am logged in:

…am I able to get, for example the logged-in user's email address, and then add it to the Colors property on the card to highlight my name? If so, how would I go about this?

Best Answer

  • GrantSmith
    GrantSmith Coach
    Answer ✓

    Currently this isn't possible but I'd recommend adding it to the Ideas Exchange to allow getting the logged in user's information.

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  • GrantSmith
    GrantSmith Coach
    Answer ✓

    Currently this isn't possible but I'd recommend adding it to the Ideas Exchange to allow getting the logged in user's information.

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  • MattYoung

    Thanks, Grant! Will-do.

  • swagner
    swagner Contributor

    @MattYoung I don't know of a way to detect the user property and highlight the way you're describing above. Maybe someone else might - but I am very interested in this and would use it in my instance. If you don't get an answer on this ask please submit this in the idea exchange. I'd for sure support your idea.