Triggering "full screen" through URL

I want to put my dashboards up on some big monitors throughout the office and need to maximize screen space. In order to remove the domo headers and other controls, I see I can click here to make the dashboard go "full screen".

This is the effect I want, but I want to be able to open a new dashboard page directly to this view. Is there a querystring parameter or some other URL-based way to enable this?



  • @UncleLeoTheDad Have you tried making a Slideshow of your dashboards? They're really handy for cycling through multiple cards on large screens and making it easier to read

  • Slideshow is interesting, but it seems like instead of showing all the slides on one view, it defaults to show each slide individually. I don't see an option to control this behavior; am I just overlooking it?


  • @UncleLeoTheDad I believe you can set it to show one dashboard layout at a time, but not necessarily the entire dashboard.

  • That's what I saw as well. Unfortunately, that somewhat defeats the purpose of having it all on one dashboard. Perhaps I need to resort to some javascript injection, but other tools (Power BI, Clicdata, Tableau) have all supported this out of the box, so I am hoping there's an equivalent here. Thanks!

  • Hey @UncleLeoTheDad,

    I'd recommend posting this in the Ideas Exchange. It is a great way to possibly get your ideas implemented into Domo.