Can we change the CSS of every dashboard at once using Admin privileges


Hi I am new to domo and I want to add/change CSS to all the dashboards across domo by using a single CSS program. I have the admin privileges. Is this possible or should I do it manually for every dashboard.


Best Answer

  • SirishaRani
    SirishaRani Member
    Answer ✓

    To make a global change of font in all dashboards in Domo, you can leverage the platform's Global CSS functionality. Here's how you can proceed:


    Access the Admin Settings: Log in to your Domo account with administrative privileges and navigate to the Admin Settings section.


    Locate Global CSS: In the Admin Settings, search for the option related to Global CSS or Custom Styling. This feature allows you to apply custom CSS rules that will affect the styling of all dashboards in your Domo environment.


    Write CSS Rules for Font Change: Within the Global CSS settings, you can write CSS rules specifically targeting the font styles. For example, you can use CSS selectors to target specific elements or apply the font changes globally. Here's an example CSS rule for changing the font throughout the dashboards:



    Copy code

    * {

      font-family: "Your Font Name", sans-serif;


    Replace "Your Font Name" with the desired font name or the specific CSS property you want to modify, such as font-size, font-weight, etc.


    Save and Apply Changes: After writing the CSS rules, save the changes in the Global CSS settings. Domo will apply the updated styles to all the dashboards in your environment.

    Keep in mind that modifying the Global CSS can have a significant impact on the appearance of all dashboards in your Domo instance. It's crucial to test and ensure that the changes are aligned with your organization's branding and design guidelines. Additionally, if you're not familiar with CSS, it may be helpful to consult with a web developer or someone experienced in CSS to assist you with the customization.


    Remember that the exact steps and options may vary depending on your specific Domo setup and version. It's recommended to refer to Domo's documentation, consult their support team, or work closely with your Domo administrator to ensure a successful global font change across all dashboards.



  • Ashu_223

    I am also interested in this, though I don't know how to add CSS globally. Does anyone know how to do this?

  • SirishaRani
    SirishaRani Member
    Answer ✓

    To make a global change of font in all dashboards in Domo, you can leverage the platform's Global CSS functionality. Here's how you can proceed:


    Access the Admin Settings: Log in to your Domo account with administrative privileges and navigate to the Admin Settings section.


    Locate Global CSS: In the Admin Settings, search for the option related to Global CSS or Custom Styling. This feature allows you to apply custom CSS rules that will affect the styling of all dashboards in your Domo environment.


    Write CSS Rules for Font Change: Within the Global CSS settings, you can write CSS rules specifically targeting the font styles. For example, you can use CSS selectors to target specific elements or apply the font changes globally. Here's an example CSS rule for changing the font throughout the dashboards:



    Copy code

    * {

      font-family: "Your Font Name", sans-serif;


    Replace "Your Font Name" with the desired font name or the specific CSS property you want to modify, such as font-size, font-weight, etc.


    Save and Apply Changes: After writing the CSS rules, save the changes in the Global CSS settings. Domo will apply the updated styles to all the dashboards in your environment.

    Keep in mind that modifying the Global CSS can have a significant impact on the appearance of all dashboards in your Domo instance. It's crucial to test and ensure that the changes are aligned with your organization's branding and design guidelines. Additionally, if you're not familiar with CSS, it may be helpful to consult with a web developer or someone experienced in CSS to assist you with the customization.


    Remember that the exact steps and options may vary depending on your specific Domo setup and version. It's recommended to refer to Domo's documentation, consult their support team, or work closely with your Domo administrator to ensure a successful global font change across all dashboards.


  • I have looked into it but it is not working.

  • Jones01
    Jones01 Contributor

    @SirishaRani Hi, could you post a screen of this option within the admin settings please?