Is anyone having issues with filters using selectors

I'm having some issues with filters using selectors?? of 60 options, only 2 are available


  • @alliu The filter values available to select are dependent on the other filters that are applied to the card/dashboard. For example if, you have filters for Region and Country, if you filter the region to North America then the Country filter will only show options for Canada, USA, and Mexico. If the values you want to see are not visible, then try removing filters based on other fields until you can see what you are looking for.

  • alliu
    alliu Member

    I've already looked for any other filters and it seems to be an error of the platform. I've opened a new case

  • @alliu Do you have a date range selected (Last week, today, etc)? That's the most common issue that I run into. Also if you have any PDP policies enabled on the dataset that could be impacting it as well, though it doesn't sound like that's the case if you're able to see all 60 values.

  • alliu
    alliu Member

    The issue I'm having is that when viewing all the dataset the 60 values appear but once I save it, it only appears 2, so it's quite weird

  • @alliu Are you saving it on a dashboard that already has a Filter View applied? Or is it part of a drill path?

  • alliu
    alliu Member

    No, no filters of views or filters in any other cards have been applied

  • Good to know. I'm interested to hear what feedback you get from Support

  • hey Alliu. Im having the same issues. Any word on what was the problem?

  • @alliu @JuanMiguel I just ran into the same thing but was able to resolve it by adding an optional group by field in the filter card

  • alliu
    alliu Member

    I didn't get any feedback from support but by adding the optional group resolver the issue

  • ST_Superman
    ST_Superman Domo Employee

    @alliu can you share a screenshot for the filter card? Also, is the field being filtered a calculated field? If so, please share the code for that as well.