

Multi value chart with % and number

I'd like to create a card that looks like this. Shows the percentage (of records with a certain value) along with those relative numbers over the total number of records. Is there a way to do this?


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    Would you be able to jump on a call with me to walk me through this? I can't continue burning time trying to figure this out.

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  • Yes, you can do this. I would put the field (can be a beast mode) that has the value for your records with a certain value in the Gauge Value and then the field that that has the total number of records in the Target Value. You will also need to put something in the Group By that will aggregate the data appropriately.

    In the Chart Properties, under Change Value Options - Data, choose Last Target Value and Last Value. This will give you your percentage.

    Explore the other chart properties such as General - Layout and Additional Text Options to get the display how you want. The Multi-Value gauge has a lot of customization to it, but it takes some experimenting to see all that you can do. Here is an example of how I am dynamically showing two different years with values and percent change by using the various macros in the Additional Text Options.

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  • what type of card is this?

  • It is the multi-value gauge. Here's the KB article for the complete documentation.

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  • Thanks… I sort of got this… though I guess you can't have color coding on multi-value cards??? (i.e. if its less than 50%, it's red, if over 90%, green, etc.) And there is some issue where it keeps converting numbers into percentages, which is just unbelievably frustrating. I have to say this is possibly the most frustrated I've been with Domo. Such as simple card I should be able to produce and yet it is so painstakingly difficult and apparently not even feasible. And now I probably wasted the last several hours of my time.

  • There are not color ranges in this card, but you can assign positive and negative colors. For the formatting, try setting the format on the gauge value and the target value to number. There are also individual formatting options within the chart properties, which can be confusing. I feel your pain there.

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  • Member
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    Would you be able to jump on a call with me to walk me through this? I can't continue burning time trying to figure this out.

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    Sent you direct message with a link. I am free for a few minutes.

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  • Thanks for the help @MarkSnodgrass


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