

Help with a nested Bar chart

So I have a data set that I have the month and the total number of invoices and then breaking those out by type. When I to the nested, it is giving me the sum of each type plus adding in the total, giving false info. How can I fix this. See attached. The farthest left is my total, but the group total is adding that in also, So I would like the light blue to be the group total. Does that make sense?


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    If Invoices Keyed is actually your overall total, you could filter out that type by adding that field to your filter properties and choose Not In and then selected Invoices Keyed.

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  • Answer ✓

    If Invoices Keyed is actually your overall total, you could filter out that type by adding that field to your filter properties and choose Not In and then selected Invoices Keyed.

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  • Mark, thank you for responding. I should add I am very new to domo, where so I add that field and choose not in?

  • @karlysindelar_2023 glad you are getting in and using Domo. Happy to help. I am assuming that in your nested bar chart you have a field in the series which contains the values of (Invoices keyed, Rail, Port, SSL, Other, Inland).

    If you drag that field over into the Filters Properties, you are then given the option to select a filter criteria. You can then choose Not In and then check the box next to Invoices keyed)

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