Can you include video in an HTML table?


Hi there,

I have created an HTML table card that displays images (not links to the images but the actual images themselves). I've used a case statement because the dashboard the HTML table card is on gets filtered by category.

Here is the generalized beast mode I made to display the images:


WHEN 'Category' = 'C1'


<IMG src="IMAGE_LOCATION_URL_FOR_C1" style="max-width: 300px; max-height: 269px;">


WHEN 'Category' = 'C12'


<IMG src="IMAGE_LOCATION_URL_FOR_C2" style="max-width: 300px; max-height: 269px;">



Is it possible to do something similar with video?


Best Answer

  • AKnowles
    AKnowles Domo Employee
    Answer ✓

    @user015090 Yes! This is a feature switch. If you contact they should be able to assist you in enabling that feature for your instance. This will only allow videos in the HTML tables, none of the other tables in Domo.

    If this a suggestion above helps the customer resolve the issue on their end, please provide the outcome of this case for addressing any future issues that may arise.


  • AKnowles
    AKnowles Domo Employee
    edited March 2023

    I was able to find a similar way to upload a video using the HTML table that someone has tried in the past. Here is the format they used:

    <video controls="" width="320" height="240">

        <source src="">

    It looks like it works within the analyzer, but not in production of the card. I think this might have been fixed or something that needs to be enabled for your instance. Maybe try something similar to the above code and I will follow up with you on this when I have a definite answer. I am determining if this was resolved or what can be done to enable this.

    If this a suggestion above helps the customer resolve the issue on their end, please provide the outcome of this case for addressing any future issues that may arise.

  • ArborRose

    I tried using <video></video> and it did not work. As Aknowles mentions, perhaps something needs to be enabled.

    CONCAT('<div style="text-align:center;border:0px white;border-collapse:collapse;"><video width="320" height="240" controls><source src="" type="video/mp4"><source src="movie.ogg" type="video/ogg"></video></div>','')

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  • AKnowles
    AKnowles Domo Employee
    Answer ✓

    @user015090 Yes! This is a feature switch. If you contact they should be able to assist you in enabling that feature for your instance. This will only allow videos in the HTML tables, none of the other tables in Domo.

    If this a suggestion above helps the customer resolve the issue on their end, please provide the outcome of this case for addressing any future issues that may arise.

  • user015090

    Update: I reached out to DOMO support as was suggested and was told "Unfortunately, you cannot upload a video directly into an HTML table element of the DOMO platform. " So it seems like this is not possible.

  • ColemenWilson
    edited March 2023

    I think you could accomplish this using an HTML table DDX brick. Search "HTML Table Brick" in the Domo appstore.

    If I solved your problem, please select "yes" above

  • ArborRose

    @user015090 - with an html brick (like using images), you wouldn't upload the video to Domo. You "host" the video on a server, youtube, or wherever, and call the video as I showed in my earlier comment. In my test, I pushed a video up to a location I already had on the internet. Then called that video with its URL.

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