Lineage of a field

AnwarBham Contributor
edited March 2023 in Datasets

Hi in domo can you find the lineage of a field , as in all the data flows or data sets a field appears in .


  • Hi @AnwarBham

    Short answer is no, there isn't something to easily determine the lineage of a field. There is the dataset lineage tool on the dataset which will show you where the overall dataset is used but nothing specific to a field.

    The closest you could get is possibly using the governance dataset "Dataset Schemas with Tags" to list all of the columns on each dataset to see which datasets use the field with that name. One caveat to this would be if an ETL renamed the column there wouldn't be any insight into that field any longer.

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  • @AnwarBham and @GrantSmith

    On paper I understand the request, in execution that's a pretty impossible ask. Given that in an ETL a field could be generated by one or hundreds of inputs (formula tiles, group by, JOINs, regex) it's pretty difficult to ask where a field was used.

    also a field could be called anything, you could rename a field from Date to PostingDate and back again, the logic for disentangling that would be nontrivial.

    you could start by trying to construct a dataset that captures all the parent (or children depending on which direction you go) of a dataset.

    Jae Wilson
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  • @AnwarBham @GrantSmith , we have had this same struggle for a while now. We are actually trying to build a solution to this. Would love your feedback and thoughts.

  • AnwarBham
    AnwarBham Contributor
    edited March 2023

    @wdenny this whould be ideal we have over 300 fields and keeping track of the impact when a field is renamed or removed will be very useful. But is this a Domo Tool or a third party Tool.