How to Include Subtotal Percent in Pivot Table?


When in the analyzer, I selected a pivot table

Next, Chart Properties --> Subtotals --> check the box for "Show Subtotal Rows"

This gives me the subtotal for each subcategory.

Is there a way I can also show the percent total for each subcategory?


  • MarkSnodgrass

    You need to get a feature enabled that is not enabled by default. Ask your CSM to enable "Window Functions for Beast Modes". Once that is enabled you can calculate this number by creating a beast mode like this:

    COUNT('Supplier') / SUM(COUNT('Supplier')) OVER(PARTITION BY 'Subcategory')

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  • lb1234

    @MarkSnodgrass is there a way to show the percent of the category instead of the total percentage of the subcategory in the subtotal?