Radio Button Filter Card - Set the default selection?


I have a Radio Button Filter Card on my page. I'd like a default value to be selected on this card. However, I can't seem to find a property that enables that.

When i use Page filters to set a default selection the user can clear the filter, or filter on multiple values (which defeats the purpose of the Radio Button Filter Card, the data only makes sense if a single value is filtered on).

Any advice?




  • Hi @Nick_Bertz

    Currently this isn’t possible to have a default radio button selected and filter the entire page. I think it is something that's on the roadmap to get implemented but who knows when that will be. I'd recommend adding it as an idea to the Idea Exchange. There was one submitted earlier to the Idea Exchange but it appears to have been closed (

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  • @Nick_Bertz default filter is a beta feature. talk to your CSM.

    Jae Wilson
    Check out my 🎥 Domo Training YouTube Channel 👨‍💻

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  • @jaeW_at_Onyx do you have to request each feature of the beta program? I thought I was set up for beta because I asked for the new mobile features, but I don't see anything for the default radio button.

  • @leeann_flowers

    You have to opt into each beta feature individually.

    Filter Views did get released as GA with their July release so you should have access to it now.

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  • @GrantSmith I misunderstood what was being asked here. I thought it was to assign a default value when using the radio button picker on a page. Currently it just comes up as unfiltered unless you also use a page filter and that seems to confuse the users some.

  • @leeann_flowers

    You have the correct interpretation of what the original ask was. As yet, i don't have a solution.

  • @leeann_flowers and @Nick_Bertz

    there currently is no way to set a default value on a filter card.

    you can set a "Default Filter," but no, you cannot stop people from un-filtering a column. If necessary, consider adding text to your dashboard that provides instructions for use.

    Jae Wilson
    Check out my 🎥 Domo Training YouTube Channel 👨‍💻

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  • @Nick_Bertz if you figure something out please let me know. I've been searching and can't think of a solution.

  • Not saying this is an ideal solution but if the number of filter values were modest - couldn't you use variable / radio button control?

    Beast mode, add calculated field, variables, give variable name, variable type and default value, select radio options (or other type), add remaining values. (Make sure add control to analyzer is checked). Create / modify beast mode calculations to be

    case {field}

    when control then calc


    I use a similar concept to select which column to use for a calculation by value of the control.

  • it’s been almost 3 years since this was raised. Has there been any movement or workaround on this? There is another thread on this with 40+ votes.

    in my case I want a filter card to control the value of a single value card. Where users can select whether they want to see number of leads, video views, reach, etc… these are completely unrelated metrics and having the value unfiltered isn’t an option.

  • @mpretel are the Values stored in a single variable like 'File Type'? If so, you can add that field as a filter on the individual card and opt for the 'display as quick filter' so that the card will be able to be filterable by that field. You'll make it so there's no interaction between that and other dashboard elements in a second. You may need to set the global filters on the card itself independent of the dashboard depending on how you configure the next step. If you want no interaction between that and other cards, you'll set it on the card itself. I.E. your data set is all-time but you have a 10-year filter on the dashboard to control all cards. Choose here if the card will interact with the global dashboard filters or what exceptions you want. Like, excluding the date interaction so the rest of the dashboard can be filtered on a date if desired but the this card will stay as is.

    After placing the card, you go back to the dashboard interaction mode/non-edit, set your global dashboard filters, (10 years, etc) save that filter, and set it as the default for everyone. Under the wrench icon to the right of the interaction mode of the dashboard, the dropdown appears for the edit options. Choose the filter options at the bottom and deselect the show filter bar. That will hide it and users will not be allowed to change those filters unless they have edit access. If you do need a different Global filter/interaction you can put that as a slicer card below the header of the dashboard itself.

  • How can Domo get something so basic as this so wrong, and then not address it for years after it is brought up?