Beast Mode

Beast Mode

Excluding weekends from a prior day card


I'm build a prior day card that as name says will be depicting a prior day data. Business operates Monday-Friday but prior day on Monday would show no data since it is using Sunday's information. Is there a syntax I could write or other transformation that would exclude weekends from being included in last day and on Mondays would show Friday's data?

Thank you


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  • You can create a beast mode that you would add to your filters to filter out weekends from your dataset. Your beast mode would look like this:

    1. CASE WHEN DAYNAME(`date`) IN ('Sunday','Saturday') THEN 'Exclude'
    2. ELSE 'Include'
    3. END

    You would then add this to your filter and filter to Include.

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  • @MarkSnodgrass thanks for that tip. Unfortunately, it doesn't work. When creating the beast mode I get the error 'Calculation Error : A column in this calculation did not exist.'

    Any ideas?

  • @zuchu you are going to need to replace the "date" column with the name of your column that is in your dataset.

    Also, which card are you using? That may affect if this solution will work for you or not.

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  • Will give it a try!

    I'm using a 'single value' card, if you feel like there is a better way to present a single value, please let me know

  • Up, anybody got any ideas?


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