

Rank based on 2 metrics?

I created a RANK beast mode on a card. It's currently based on the 2nd column in this screenshot, TOTAL: Current Run.

As you can see, we've got some ties. Is it possible to (forgive the layman terms) create a tiebreaker of sorts? So if there's a tie in one metric, it then looks at another to make a final determination on rank?

Thanks for any help you can provide!


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Best Answer


  • More like Mark BAD@SS. That did the trick. Only took my caveman brain a few tries to get it humming.

    If anyone reading this needs a hand with the syntax, here's an example. In my case I needed to sum up two different metrics, one for count (Field) and a tiebreaker for size (Field 2).

    Thanks again @MarkSnodgrass!

  • @moneyshot glad I could help!

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