Freeze Header in Pivot Table (chart types)

Hi Team,

Do we have option to freeze header in pivottable (chart table) as i could not find in chart properties

pls suggest


  • @RajNadar There is currently no way to freeze a the header in a pivot table. This would be good to post in the idea exchange as a suggestion.

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  • That's odd as my pivot table cards have the headers frozen at the top as I scroll down through the data. It seems like it automatically does it for you. Did you try it out, or are you just looking for the chart property since it is a property in the mega table?

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  • @MarkSnodgrass is correct. I wasn't paying attention to my pivot tables and was just looking for chart properties! The pivot table header should be frozen automatically.

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  • @MarkSnodgrass @RobSomers - We don't find the option to frozen button in pivot table either chart properties and will you able to see that then pls share the snapshot for the same.


  • @RajNadar There's no option to freeze the header on a pivot table, but it should be frozen by default with no need to do anything. I've gone through and looked at some of my pivot tables and all the headers are frozen automatically without having to do anything. It sounds like it's the same for @MarkSnodgrass.

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  • There are two modes of scrolling on a Domo dashboard. If the height of the card on your dashboard is taller than your monitor space, you can scroll up and down on the dashboard without scrolling on the table itself. It's difficult to explain,

    By default a pivot table should freeze the header row for you when scrolling in Domo.

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