STRING formatting with a decimal

Hello -- I've created a dataset with a column definition as:

        "type" : "STRING",

        "name" : "SKU"

However when I load the data, the "11465730" as "11465730.0". I see that the column is a text field. Why is Domo formatting it with ".0"?

Here's a link to the dataset:


  • What is the value that is being sent up to Domo? How are you generating your data value? Is it possible that when it's being generated before it's sent to Domo that it's getting the .0 added?

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  • No, it's just an integer. There is no formatting of the data when we send it into Domo.

  • Sounds like Dom is storing it as a non-integer data type (DOUBLE or DECIMAL) so there's not much you can do on the way in. What you could do is run it through an ETL and use the Alter Columns tile to change the datatype to a LONG / Integer to remove the .0 at the end of the values. Alternatively you could set the data type on the input data source tile's configuration tab itself.

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  • I would think that's pretty much what I do. I'm creating the dataset via the API, specifying the column datatype. It seems like a bug to me.

  • If all your SKUs are actually all numbers, could you specify the type to be integer in your API? Perhaps that would keep Domo from adding the decimals.

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