Triggered Scheduled Reports

user083578 Member
edited March 2023 in Scheduled Reports

Good morning Domo Community, 


I wanted to see if anyone out there had any ideas or experiences with triggering a scheduled report in Domo rather than scheduling it with fingers crossed that the dataflow would be done running each day by that time.  I'm open to any ideas whether it be manipulating something within Domo or creating a program/script outside of Domo.  Ideally, I'd like all the scheduled reports to go out exactly when the dataflow(s) have finished running for that day.


Looking forward to hearing for you guys!  Thanks!


**Triggered reports would be a great feature to have!**


  • MichelleH

    Is your scheduled report a single card or multiple?


    The closest feature I can think of for this would be utilizing alerts (e.g. the max date has increased). Unfortunately, this is not ideal because it would really only be applicable to a single card and the user would have to click a link in the email to see the actual card.


    I agree that this functionality would be a useful enhancement to the platform. I would recommend giving a thumbs up to this Ideas Exchange post that suggests the same thing, and that might give it some more traction. 

  • user083578

    Thanks for the idea.  I liked the ideas exchange post as per your recommendation.  Hopefully it gains some traction.  Thanks again

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