Top level Navigation Buttons aren't displayed

fearlessOwl Member
edited March 2023 in Datasets

I'm going through one of the tutorials and it covers some navigation buttons that evidently should be at the top of the page, but I'm not seeing them. Here's my navigation bar:

My Navigation Bar.png


In the training, the navigaton bar looks like this:

Training Navigation Bar.png


Why don't I see the 'Dashboards', 'Alerts', etc. buttons? Is this controlled by a configuration option that I'm missing?





Best Answer

  • fearlessOwl
    fearlessOwl Member
    Answer ✓

    Looking a bit deeper I found a 'feature switch' that controls whether the new navigation was enabled.

    Screen Shot 2020-03-20 at 8.01.29 AM.png


  • ST_-Superman-_

    The updated navigation is part of a new feature that Was released last year. You may need to talk to your admin or to you Domo success partner to get that turned on for you

    “There is a superhero in all of us, we just need the courage to put on the cape.” -Superman
  • fearlessOwl
    fearlessOwl Member
    Answer ✓

    Looking a bit deeper I found a 'feature switch' that controls whether the new navigation was enabled.

    Screen Shot 2020-03-20 at 8.01.29 AM.png