When are DataFlows triggered?

tongstar Domo Employee

You can choose to trigger the process based on the data update of any of the input data sources used in the DataFlow.

I work for Domo.
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    autosolve in original post

  • @tongstar or @DaniBoy 


    Do either of you know what would happen if you have 27 input datasets set to trigger a dataflow to run?


    If the first dataset triggers the dataflow to run, and then the other 26 datasets finish updating before the dataflow finishes will it kick off again? or will I end up with an output dataset that is missing the updated data from the 26 datasets?




    CC: @DataMaven 

  • I'd love for this to be confirmed but I ran into an issue where I set either Dataset 1 or Dataset 2 to trigger it. They both were scheduled on the data pull into Domo to start at the same time however Dataset 2 took longer to finish. I found that If Dataset 1 finished and triggered the Dataflow that if Dataset 2 finished while it was processing it did NOT trigger the Dataflow to run again so data from Dataset 2 was NOT included in the final output. In my case it was a simple switch to only trigger on Dataset 2 since 100% of the time it finishes after the other. With your case (or example you gave) it seems more complicated.

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