Facebook Ads Advanced | Store Visit campaign reporting




I'm trying to get measurements on the new store visits objective from Facebook. Using the custom insights report none of the measured reported are the store visits. Documentation from Facebook is here https://developers.facebook.com/docs/marketing-api/guides/dynamic-ad/store-visits?hc_location=ufi#api


In the Facebook platform, I can get reports showing the number of actions (store visits) and can also break it down by visits to each store with store name (see screenshot attached).


Any ideas how I can get these numbers into Domo for campaign reporting?


Best Answer

  • jehat
    jehat Domo Employee
    Answer ✓

    This is most likely going to be an enhancement request to the Domo connector team. Are you familiar with the "feedback" option on the main menu in Domo?


  • jehat
    jehat Domo Employee
    Answer ✓

    This is most likely going to be an enhancement request to the Domo connector team. Are you familiar with the "feedback" option on the main menu in Domo?

  • Did this ever get resolved? I am having the same issue. 


    I attemped to use the `Objective` field in conjunction with the custom fields however I'm still unable to match the reporting from FB Ads. 


