APIs & Domo Developer

APIs & Domo Developer

How to use Buzz Integration API(for link Slack)

I'm trying Buzz Integration API to link Buzz and Slack.



I tried admin rights and scope:buzz, but This API returned 403 error for Insufficient permissions.

Please let me know if there is any good way.



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Best Answers

  • Contributor
    Answer ✓

    It does appear like something is different with this API. Couldn't even find documentation until I googled it https://developer.domo.com/docs/api-reference/buzz-integration-api-reference. I had a similar issue as you were I got a 403 Forbidden. I looked in the official Python SDK and buzz isn't mentioned anywhere in it so doesn't appear available there.

    **Make sure to like any users posts that helped you and accept the ones who solved your issue.**
  • Member
    Answer ✓

    Ask Domo support to activate the API for your instances. They have it disabled by default so you need to request it to be turned on. After they activate it should work well for your use case. 


  • Contributor

    Can you give a little more information about what exactly you're doing? Perhaps a code excerpt from the authentication section without putting your real credentials in it of course. 

    **Make sure to like any users posts that helped you and accept the ones who solved your issue.**
  • @guitarhero23 

    I'm sorry.

    To explain I tried "POST https://api.domo.com/v1/buzz/integrations"

    "GET https://api.domo.com/v1/buzz/integrations" API with DOMO Admin authority

    Direct use of API using postman. So I have not coded.

    As a result, the following massage came back.

    "status": 403,
    "statusReason": "Forbidden",
    "message": "Insufficient permissions.",
    "toe": "**********"

    Something is wrong because other APIs are used.

  • Contributor
    Answer ✓

    It does appear like something is different with this API. Couldn't even find documentation until I googled it https://developer.domo.com/docs/api-reference/buzz-integration-api-reference. I had a similar issue as you were I got a 403 Forbidden. I looked in the official Python SDK and buzz isn't mentioned anywhere in it so doesn't appear available there.

    **Make sure to like any users posts that helped you and accept the ones who solved your issue.**
  • Thank you.

    Certainly this article does not seem to be published on the developer page.

    I will contact support.

  • Member
    Answer ✓

    Ask Domo support to activate the API for your instances. They have it disabled by default so you need to request it to be turned on. After they activate it should work well for your use case. 

  • @ChrisJo 

    thank you for your answer.

    I was contacting support now.

    Can you tell me, where did you get that information?

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