Recover workbench job after owner deleted


The user that owned the workbench jobs was removed from our instance. Thus we lost all the workbench jobs. I found a nice way to recover these:


The steps below are the instructions to change the owner of a Workbench Agent to a new owner.

Since the user was deleted you will need an administrator to take ownership of the account before assigning it to another user.

Generating a new API Token and saving it will fix the ownership issues related to the Workbench Agent and all associated DataSets.


  1. Add the windows user to the workbench users group on the machine.(this will allow the user to  run unelevated)
  2. After adding the user that user will need to log out and back in to get the new security credential
  3. Launch Workbench
  4. Go to Settings > Account
  5. Click the down arrow on the API Key
  6. Enter the email and Password for a Domo Administrator
  7. Click “Create Token”
  8. Click the blue Save button on the top left. (This will reassign all the jobs to the administrator)
  9. Close workbench and re-open

If you need to reassign the jobs to another user repeat  steps 5 – 8 for the new user.


Your jobs should start running after this is done.


  • NewsomSolutions
    NewsomSolutions Domo Employee

    Nice write up @SDIEvan , for this instance did the Domo instance user get deleted not the Windows user on the box that saved the workbench jobs?  I think when I read "we lost all the workbench jobs" I see that as you'd have to restore old versions.  But if it was just that the domo instance user was removed, thus the workbench token, and all the jobs were failing that makes total sense.  If the windows account was removed and workbench install was removed from that server or box...then that is a different ball game.  Someone would have to hope the jobs were exported and saved off externally I guess at that point.  


    Thanks again for that write up and I'm going to pass along to my team.  



  • SDIEvan

    Hi, in this case the user was deleted. The jobs vanished (they're still there just hiding). So used these steps and the jobs re-appeared (had to log out of workbench then log back in).

  • NewsomSolutions
    NewsomSolutions Domo Employee

    Wow. Good to know.  Out of curiosity have you reached out to support about this?  I would think that they'd have a way to point those hidden jobs to another User ID on the back end so they aren't just orphaned and hidden.  

  • SDIEvan

    Support didn't have a solution other than to rebuilt all the jobs (which would have taken several hours). I reached out to the labs team and they provided the steps I've posted here.

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