Can Domo connect to an Excel located on Sharepoint and refresh the charts automatically?

I have an Excel located on Sharepoint

Many users update the data through out the day.

and at the end of the day I download the excel sheet from SP and then manually upload to Domo whcih refreshes my charts on Domo.


Is it possible that Domo can be connected to Share Point, so it can read the excel sheet once a day and refresh the charts automatically?


  • PodiumMason
    PodiumMason Contributor

    Hi there!


    There is a sharepoint connector that exists.


    I would talk to Domo Support or your Account Executive to get potentially get access to it to leverage that functionality. 


    Good luck!



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  • Microsoft Sharepoint: https://[instance name]

    Microsoft Sharepoint Online: https://[instance name]

  • Part of this solution worked for me. What ended up working for me was this:

    1. Sharepoint Account Connector Settings
      1. https://<companyname><sitename&gt;
    2. When trying to pull data using that account
      1. Credentials
        1. The sharepoint account setup earlier
      2. Report
        1. Document
      3. Server Relative URL
        1. For File
          1.  /sites/<sitename>/Shared%20Documents/<document>.<extension>
        2. For File in folder
          1. /sites/<sitename>/Shared%20Documents/<foldername>/<document>.<extension>
      4. File type
        1. Whatever your file type is
      5. Sheet name
        1. Optional


    For some reason I had to overlap the /sites/<sitename> in the credentials and the relative url. The relative path also worked with and without %20 being used for spaces. I hope this helps someone because it was driving me crazy.