How do you apply color rules to subtotal rows in a chart?


I created a chart with color rules based on calculated fields, but my subtotal and grand total rows didn't change color. How do I get the color rules to apply to my subtotal and grand total rows as well?


  • dthierjung

    As far as I know, those subtotal and total rows cannot be dynamically updated to new colors, but can only be set in the chart properties to be a static color.

  • Jarvis
    Jarvis Domo Employee

    This function is not yet available. It sounds like a great idea and can be submitted as a feature request through the feedback channel in your instance.

  • user14053

    Thanks! I'll do that.

  • Jeffsnake
    Jeffsnake Contributor

    Does anyone know if there has been any movement on this... the ability to have color rules applied to subtotal and total rows...

  • Now we can apply the color rules to the total and subtotal rows in the table.


    From Chart Properties, under the ‘General’ heading section, tick the ‘Apply Color Rules to Total and Subtotals’. This will then apply the color rules you have specified to the total and subtotal rows. 

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