how to use Google Analytic connector and get 'Behavior' report for the last 30 days by day


I am trying to use the Google Analytic Connector and create a custom dataset that will pull in the Behavior and Event data for the past 30 days by day.    Currently I seem to only get an aggregate for the past 30 days.    

Best Answer

  • Jarvis
    Jarvis Domo Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hello user01325!

    I would recommend looking into Domo's documentation on this connector type below:



    If you are not able to find an answer there, then it may be beneficial to reach out to your Domo team for further assistance. However, if the data you are importing has a date field, you should be able to aggregate it by day within a chart instead.




  • Jarvis
    Jarvis Domo Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hello user01325!

    I would recommend looking into Domo's documentation on this connector type below:



    If you are not able to find an answer there, then it may be beneficial to reach out to your Domo team for further assistance. However, if the data you are importing has a date field, you should be able to aggregate it by day within a chart instead.



  • user01325

    Thanks for the suggestion.     Earlier today I also found some training videos that were very helpful in customizing Google Analytics reports using the connector.   I think I have it working like I want for my basic starting point.   I will also use the information you provided to enhance my data pull.