Deep Linking with Filters


I have created a link to a page using the below format-


CONCAT('<a href="'

,'?pfilters=[{%22column%22:%22Owner.Name%22,%22dataSourceId%22:%DataSet ID%22,%22dataType%22:%22string%22,%22operand%22:%22OperandType%22,%22values%22:[%22'


,'?pfilters=[{%22column%22:%22Owner.Name%22,%22dataSourceId%22:%DataSet ID%22,%22dataType%22:%22string%22,%22operand%22:%22OperandType%22,%22values%22:[%22'


,'%22]}]" target=%22_blank%22>'





On my landing page, I have multiple cards ,all with different datasets.  My goal is - as I click on some id '1234' on my card, I should be navigated to my landing page and all cards on the landing page should display  filtered data for id  '1234'.



  • Jarvis
    Jarvis Contributor


    Unfortunately, there isn't currently a way to navigate to a page and also apply a filter the way you are describing. However, I can completely understand why you would like this as an option. This would be highly valuable feedback you can send to Domo Development within your instance, by clicking the 9 square icon and choosing "Feedback".

    I apologize that this is not currently an option. Please submit this feedback for Development to consider this option for a future update.

    Thank you.

  • ritzz

    Thanks Jarvis!