Pulling in Facebook preview links into Domo so we have a view of each ad live


My organisation is keen to get a view of all ads we have live in Facebook at any given moment. Currently we upload powerpoint slides with screenshots of the ads we have live, however, as you can imagine this is an arduous process and prone to error.


I know Domo is capable of bringing in post details for a Facebook page, however, I was wondering if there is any capability built for ads.


I would imagine this would come through the connector or a scheduled report as opposed to actual Facebook page data.


Has anyone done anything like this before? Do you have any tips or suggestions for how we would do this? 

Best Answer

  • Jarvis
    Jarvis Domo Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @user09309,


    I am not familiar with any Facebook Connectors bringing in images.


    However, you could place the images at a URL address, and then build a BeastMode function that pulls an HTML link to your ad, and put that into a Table Card, that way you don't need to use a powerpoint slide.


    Here is a Knowledge Base article link to some BeastMode calcuations that use HTML: http://knowledge.domo.com?cid=samplebeastmode


    It is the section called, 'Showing Different Pictures in a Table Based on Changing Values'.


    Good luck!




  • laura_igl

    Anyone can help out with this request?




  • Jarvis
    Jarvis Domo Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @user09309,


    I am not familiar with any Facebook Connectors bringing in images.


    However, you could place the images at a URL address, and then build a BeastMode function that pulls an HTML link to your ad, and put that into a Table Card, that way you don't need to use a powerpoint slide.


    Here is a Knowledge Base article link to some BeastMode calcuations that use HTML: http://knowledge.domo.com?cid=samplebeastmode


    It is the section called, 'Showing Different Pictures in a Table Based on Changing Values'.


    Good luck!



  • user01593

    In beast mode, use: 

    '<div><img src="',`image_url`,'"style="width:300px;height:170px;">','</div>')


    And name it something like "Ad Image". That's been working for me.

  • user01593

    This will work with the Facebook Ad Creatives report.

  • user09309

    Is there a way you can tailor the Beast Mode to extract directly from Facebook?


    I'm thinking that we'll have to work to either extract the data from Facebook seperately or have our teams upload creatives into a central location for Domo to extract and join to existing ads