Dataset of Card Row Counts

Is it possible to have a dataset that tells me how many rows of data are currently being returned by each of my cards?  


  • Starlord
    Starlord Domo Employee

    Hello user009860!


    This is not currently possible to create directly. To create a dataset that shows this information, you would need to essentially re-create the logic (filters, groupings, aggregations, etc) of each card in a dataflow, so that you have data tables that match each card's data, then count the rows of each resulting table of data. It would be a pretty intensive project, and difficult to keep updated as each card gets edited.


    I suggest that you submit this concept as an idea in the Dojo Ideas Exchange for other Dojo users to see, comment, and vote on. You can find the Dojo Ideas Exchange here: 

    You can also search existing ideas and vote for them if they would also help you achieve your goals.




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