Sum a Row


Hello! Is it possible to have sum totals of rows similar to the sum total columns?

Best Answer

  • BCorless
    BCorless Domo Employee
    Answer ✓


    We may need additional information for this question, but if this is in regards to showing a row and column total in a chart, this is possible within a Sumo card. I have included a screen shot of a sample dataset with a category and group and the totals for both columns and rows. Please let me know if this answers your question.



    If I have answered your question, please click "Yes" on my comment's option.


  • BCorless
    BCorless Domo Employee
    Answer ✓


    We may need additional information for this question, but if this is in regards to showing a row and column total in a chart, this is possible within a Sumo card. I have included a screen shot of a sample dataset with a category and group and the totals for both columns and rows. Please let me know if this answers your question.



    If I have answered your question, please click "Yes" on my comment's option.

  • jman0527

    Perfect! Thanks!

  • jman0527

    In testing I don't see a row sum in my sumo card?

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