Restricting the number of quick filters users can see


I want to share some of our graphs with our customers. They have Domo accounts and are participants. I would like to give them access to some of the filters so they can access their own data; however, as it stands they would currently be able to access all filters, and therefore see their competitors' data.


Is there any way to restrict the number of quick filters, so they can only filter on things I want them to be able to filter on? Currently the only way I can think to do that is a dataflow, but this isn't a sustainable solution for us.


  • guitarhero23

    Look into PDP. I don't use it myself but it's possible that even though they select it in the quick filter, because they don't have access to that data based on the PDP rules they probably wouldn't see anything. 


    Also (again I haven't tried so this is just an idea) the quickfilters might not show the values you don't want them to see if they don't have access to those rows in the first place due to PDP anyway.











    If you setup PDP so that user that is Customer X can only see rows where Customer = X, it might now even show "Y" and "Z" as a quick filter option (if quick filter is a Customer filter).

    **Make sure to like any users posts that helped you and accept the ones who solved your issue.**
  • sophiecs

    Thanks @guitarhero23, that's an interesting idea.


    Unfortunately they need to be able to see other rows of data as we do share (anonymised) competitor data; the issue is that they can currently filter by competitors.


    We haven't released the customer accounts just yet so I've been able to view the data as them, and they are able to see different data depending on the filters.

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